(904) 278-5383 info@dynamiccorp.com
Darrin Finley

Darrin Finley

Senior Training Consultant and Executive Coach

Darrin is a Senior Training Consultant with Dynamic Corporate Solutions Inc. (DCSI).  He began his consulting career in 2004 based on his passionate belief that management and leadership excellence are essential for organizational success across all industries.

Guided by the principles of noted business thought leaders such as Drucker, Deming and Covey, Darrin provides management and leadership consultation and training focused on leveraging leadership skills as a competitive advantage. These offerings include organizational development and design, operational improvement, and performance management with an emphasis on improving organizational productivity, management and leadership effectiveness, diversity, and customer service.

In the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Darrin’s work has reached thousands of participants where he has been recognized for his ability to create a safe and open environment to explore all facets of diversity to include deep dives into racism, sexism, religion, as well as unconscious bias, diversity of thought, and cultural sensitivity.  Darrin’s non-judgmental approach considers the individual perspectives of all participants and the cultural uniqueness of each organization while ensuring clear alignment between diversity, equity, inclusion principles and overall strategic objectives.

Prior to forming his consultancy, Darrin served as a senior executive in industries ranging from banking to hospitality with both private and public companies. He has been recognized for his leadership and his expertise in operations improvement, organizational development, financial management, and diversity.

Darrin received his Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Management from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his Master of Business Administration from Jacksonville University. He also completed the advanced management program for executive development at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.

A native of Birmingham, Darrin was raised in Atlanta. He currently lives in Jacksonville, where he has served as a board member for organizations such as Learn to Read, The Jacksonville Public Library Foundation, We Care Jacksonville, and Level The Playing Field Leadership Academy. He has also served as a coach for Jacksonville First Coast Soccer Association.